3D voxelic engine

My work focused on the modeling of grass in real time, water and instantiated 3D objects.
Features :
  • Using OpenGL / C++ / GLSL
  • Working with shaders (vertex, tessellation control and evaluation, geometry and fragment shaders)
  • Modelling grass as a particle with billboards
  • Modelling water by modifying the geometry of a plane with the sine addition method
  • Implementation of an ECS (Entity Component System) architecture
  • Memory optimisation (instantiation on 3D objects, use of minimum textures/shaders and use of texture atlases)
  • Use of a minimum of libraries (GLFW, glad, stb\_image, imgui, ASSIMP and glm)
Rendu d'herbes et bouleaux

Grass and birch rendering

Rendu d'herbes et bouleaux

Rendering the ocean using tessellation

Rendu final

Final rendering with millions of polygnons

Maillage océan sans tessellation

Rendering of an ocean mesh without tessellation

Maillage océan avec tessellation

Rendering of an ocean mesh with tessellation

Rendu océan

Final rendering of the ocean (without the reflections)

There are other features (terrain, sound and physics) that have been implemented by three other people respectively that have not been presented here.

